Selasa, 22 Oktober 2024   |   WIB
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Selasa, 22 Oktober 2024   |   WIB

n accordance with the vision of the Geospatial Information Agency to become a leading and leading institution in organizing reliable, integrated and easily utilized geospatial information, the Parangtritis Coastal Geospatial Laboratory was later revitalized into the Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park. The establishment of the Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park was inaugurated by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education on September 11, 2015. The inauguration also marked the increasing role and function of what was originally a Geospatial Laboratory into a Geomaritime Science Park.

The nomenclature of Geomaritime is used as a transdisciplinary science in the management and utilization of the maritime sector from a spatial perspective (spatial) for the welfare of coastal communities in particular. The concept as a science park is an area that is managed by professional management to encourage sustainable growth through the mastery, development and application of relevant knowledge and knowledge.

Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park has a vision as a center of excellence for geospatial information technology, education, research and innovation in the field of coastal and marine affairs in Indonesia. The commercialization of collaborative results of coastal and marine research will support sustainable economic growth in Indonesia, DIY and Bantul Regency. The existence of Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park can be utilized by the Government of DIY and Bantul Regency as a means of economic growth and development of the community in the fields of tourism, agriculture, coastal and marine. Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park will also function as a center for the restoration and conservation of sand dunes and the development of the sand dune museum as a means of education and research.

The Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park (PGSP) journey began in 2002. The Parangtritis Coastal Geospatial Laboratory (LGPP) and Sand Dune Museum, are the embryos of the founding of PGSP. Parangtritis Coastal Geospatial Laboratory is revitalized to Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park considering (1) the rapid technological development (2) as a realization of the Jokowi NAWACITA program in 2014 and (3) implementation of the 2015-2019 RPJMN.

Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park (PGSP) is facilitated by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) and the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), managed jointly between the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), the Government and Regency Governments Bantul. The inauguration of the PGSP was conducted by the Menristekdikti, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. along with the Governor of DIY, BIG Head, Acting Bantul Regent and UGM Chancellor on September 11, 2015.


Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park has a vision to become a center of excellence for geospatial information technology, education, research and innovation in the field of coastal and marine affairs in Indonesia.


Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park's mission is:

  • Encourage the use of geospatial information for the management of maritime and coastal resources;
  • Improving services in providing maritime and coastal geospatial information;
  • As a center for the development of geospatial information and technology applications for the welfare of the general public and coastal communities in particular;
  • Conduct collaborative research and commercialize collaborative research results to improve community welfare;
  • Enhancing the role of the sandbank museum as a learning tool.

The following is an information page about Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park (PGSP)